Tuesday, May 15, 2007

That day at the Bus 93 bus-stop

Some time, some 10 over years ago, I once stood at a bus-stop, missed many buses I was suppose to board for home, and just listened to this worship cassette tape over and over again, praising God and singing for Him.

Perhaps that's nothing unusual. Except I was singing out loud and probably hand-gesturing and bobbing to the music alot. Of course, it's a pretty secluded bus-stop with very low traffic, so obvious movements only when no one else was around. Think I was there for a few hours...or at least it felt like a few hours...I know I missed a few buses..and 93 frequency isn't exactly high.

Anyway, the title of the worship album was "We are One". I really enjoyed the varied African beats and musical arrangements, even with a Boys choir singing/ leading some songs. Many songs in that album I liked, but I think the one on repeat the most was "We lift our eyes", still remember how I enjoyed joining the chorus at "Father we declare..."

Why am I mentioning this? Because I'm currently reviewing a VCD of this album!!! Imagine the thrill of revisiting the excitement of probably the first time I so freely and truely enjoyed worshiping God with songs and music.

It's funny. 'Cuz just yesterday, I was in the doldrums for being involved in the worship ministry. I was lamenting and dreading why I had to wake up early on Sunday mornings for duty (& sometimes non-duty days), why I have to attend a meeting none of my peers would have attended, why I got so many to-do items when all I want to do is revise for exam.

Then, God's Word gave me some relief in 1 Sam 30: 6, "David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God." (Read whole chapter for context)

And now, God helps me recall and experience renewed the joy and passion I have whenever I serve Him in this area. Time check: 1.24 am. So, even though I have to put in extra hours in the day, so that I can squeeze in time to prepare and plan for the church camp worship, I am enjoying it.

Sidetrack -- though on a related issue, nowadays, live worship albums are so different from the live worship albums of before. The live worship albums Integrity used to produce are really gems. I find the new ones more "manufactured"-sounding. The "oldies" were very well connected...song to song...with the worship leaders prayers and the congregations live praises.

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