Thursday, May 10, 2007

This one is for all students out there...


Exam fever is on. For some, it is over. For some, they are in the middle of one. For me, it just started.

Quite obsessed with studying. I (heart) studying. Unfortunately, as much as I enjoy the "act" (pun intended) of studying, it doesn't always translate into good grades. WHY?!?!?! I really (heart) studying.

Coffee is really the poison of the moment. The more bitter, the better! Happy studying, dudes & dudettes!


weiggy said...

wha.. i love black.. your blog's cool!

ok... dun worry exams over soon.. soon.. hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Thks Weiggy =D

I'm a regular reader of ur blog too...though not so consistent in leaving comments.
