Thursday, July 12, 2007

first name Kate, last name Spade

I've been looking to buy a new wallet to replace my Braun Buffel. I still remember the day I saw a tear in the internal of the wallet, and I was telling myself, "Yeh! Spoil already. It's time for a Gucci or LV".

Been taking walks around the wallet counters at various deparmental stores, but can't seem to find anything that catches my eye or my fancy.
At the same time, been flipping through the pages of 8 Days magazine...there's this page that has a Kate Spade wallet in the middle, then the writer recommends what people could buy for that week or something like that. Everytime I see that page, I'll admire the wallet and think to self - that's quite a nice looking wallet.

Anyway, this week, I noticed the wallet tear is getting rather big, and that gave me some impetus to try a little harder to look for a replacement.

Decided to look at Kate Spade's other wallet designs. Ultimately decided I think the Pasadena Taryn model is still one of the nicest. Though, I would say, Patented Leather can be quite difficult to design/ make/ use. Lousy design using patented leather, can make the thing look really tacky. Well, on photo, it looks great, though not sure if in reality it is so. The Hot Pink version looks great too, albeit more ah-lian. But then again, ah-lians have always been known to be stylish....haha!

I'm also currently looking for cabin-size luggage. I keep thinking I'm gonna fly off at my whim and fancy, and that having a cabin-size luggage would facilitate this fantasy. And I found this....
Don't you just love the red lining?


Anonymous said...

wah so high class :)

Anonymous said...

coincidentally, i am looking for a cabin luggage too... ;-)

Anonymous said...


(1) The Pasadena Taryn is sold out in Singapore. Besides, I heard patented leather is so last season.

(2) Bought a Eminent cabin luggage from Mustafa..tink i got a good deal.

Anonymous said...

Eminent... a good Taiwanese brand... good choice...

Anonymous said...

haha.. so no kate spade? i love their wallets! their cardholder too!!
