Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Shoutout 130808

Not feeling so great today.

Think it's because nothing fun to look forward to; work is piling and needs me to put in extra hours, & i know I don't have much extra hours to spare; not sure if bosses would approve my long leave (which clashes with a deadline - which i forgot totally); and knowing that there are things I should do, that needs to be done, yet kinda not feeling very strong to carry them out. Believe it or not, I miss the more innocent days of before.

Maybe it's because I've been reading too many emo blog entries, that I get "inspired" to write one too.

Just a reminder that life ain't perfect, but we should still make the best of it. Really like my motto to be joyful and peaceful always. Or at least try to be huh? Life sucks in such a way that it's just too easy to be less than happy, be anxious or pessimistic rather than to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, & praiseworthy.

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