Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Did Samuel finish well?

The new sermon series is launched. And we're encouraged to do quite abit of reading from the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings. Also, David Wong's book, "Finishing Well".

It's good to read. It feeds the mind. I suppose....if we're reading good stuff.

A few nites ago, I read from the book of 1 Samuel and came across Samuel's parting shot. The book is not chronologically arranged, so oso dunno how parting shot is this parting shot. Anyway, he said some interesting words.

Suppose, Samuel is referring to his God-appointed ministry. But, I took the verse and also apply it to my vocation..and all spheres of life, since there should not be any compartmentalization.

"But be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you." - 1 Sam 12:24 (read also vv23 -25).

It spoke to me, because it highlighted three action points that I could do to combat the struggles I was currently facing. (1) Fearing God - so that I may avoid sin. (2) To serve faithfully, in view of point (3) - so that I will remain joyful and faithful at work and ministry. (3) Remember GREAT things He has done - so graciously and abundantly my God gives, how can I not honor Him and respond in faithfulness towards Him.

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