Monday, May 7, 2007

Spidey 3

Friends & I caught a midnight show recently -- Spiderman 3.

First excitement -- It's a midnight show. Some have either never caught a midnight show before, or have not done so for quite some time.

We managed to get the last row of the cinema. GV Max is great! What impresses is really the ample leg-room. The screen is suppose to be the widest in Singapore. But, maybe 'cuz the auditorium is so big, the wideness is kinda lost on me. Still, it was a joy to watch the movie there. Only problem was that there seems to be light coming in from the angles if one sits near to the left/ right aisles. A little disturbing if you asked me.

Friends & I didn't manage to throw popcorns at other people. Guess we were too ethical to do so. We did however sprinkle popcorns at one another, as pre-show entertainment. Advert time was soooo long.

Now, unto the movie proper. Was the movie good?

Well, I think it was okay. It's quite action-packed, though one or two moments, I was thinking it's abit draggy - Why hasn't spidey turn black? Why doesn't spidey go beat the bad guys already?! However, it's not one of those movies where after the show, people would still discuss about it.

A couple of things crossed my mind as I watched the movie...*Spoiler* ahead - do not read if u have not watched the film, and plan to do so*....

(1) Why did Harry have to die? They should keep him alive, and make a spin-off movie about him. The new goblin is just so cool!! He kinda reminded me of batman (same rich brat, no family left, lots of gadgets). I think James Franco is really handsome. He kept flashing those really grinny smiles.

(2) Favourite fight sequence is when Spidey and New Goblin tags team. Except, NG moves so fast, I really can't catch him all the time.

(3) Favourite scenes are when Peter Parker starts's hilarious and totally enjoyable. Oh, and the scene where Black Spidey is at the ceiling of a gothic-looking church...very Underworld.

(4) I felt that some things were missing from this movie. A more solid plot was one. The other was that Spiderman was not as wise-cracking as usual. Spiderman is suppose to be famous for his funny/ wise-cracking/ cocky comments. This seems to be missing in this instalment.

(5) Other things I didn't like....Eddie Brock..a real "cute soft-toy". Sandman....too sentimental. I think he's suppose to be a be one.

That said, it's still a movie worth catching. How else are you gonna enjoy the explosions and huge sets.


Anonymous said...

oh! i figure out why u change ur blogskin to be black.. match spidey mah....


Anonymous said...

just caught the trailer for Fantastic 4 last nite...looks very exciting too.

so many nice movies coming up...hooray!

Anonymous said...

nice *night* movies u mean ??

*Eyes Opening BIGGER*

Anonymous said...

I find spidey so draggy n boring though... and is always the same plot, saving MJ as usual!! hm..

if wouldnt for co's free tickets, think i wouldnt go for it..

But I agree, why Harry has to die!!! His flashy grin is so cute and is definity more suave than spidey and why he has to be disfigured!! spidey shld be the one since he is always behind the mask!! haha...
