Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Change of environment

As Sheryl Crow puts it, "A change would do you good". Tomorrow, I shift office. Still at the same building, but a few floors lower.

It hasn't been much of a work week with the office moving. About half the time, I'm just packing and sorting and shredding stuff. Not really working. Which, I suppose, it's good timing, 'cuz I'm not really in the frame to work hard these days.

I remember when I first came, and decorated my workstation as if it's my home. I'm not gonna do the same this time. It's no good to "nest" at your workplace. I'm going to try to be minamalistic at the new environment. I am, however, thinking of bringing the digital photo-frame to work. Not sure if my boss would scould me for using office electricity though.

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